Friday, December 10, 2010

Imagine tags using Snow Angel

I don't know about you, but I have a bad habit of ordering new cartridges for that "one special cut" and not really exploring the cartridge to see just what it has to offer.  I find this to be especially true for my Imagine cartridges.  So, I set a challenge for myself...pick out one Imagine cart, sit down, and using just this cartridge, see what I can come up with!  Knowing that I needed to get busy on gift tags for Christmas presents, I chose Snow Angel with the goal of getting some gift tags knocked out.  I managed to complete 10 tags before I got too figetey (is that a real word?).

The base for the tags are made from the preloaded designs on the Imagine.  I also used a lot of ink, stickles and gems to add some bling.  Cuttlebug folders also added some umph to the backgrounds.  Punch a hole, add some ribbon and there you go!  I think they turned out pretty cute. Now I have to get out of my crafting costume (otherwise known as jammies), brave the mall and actually buy the gifts these tags will one day be attached to.....

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Beautiful job Circle sister!! I became your folllower so I can check in on you every now and then!!

  2. My crafting costume is also jammies! LOL! We're twins!
    I love your tags. I wish I had that cart! :)
