Sunday, December 11, 2011

Christmas Ornament-Pink By Design Style!

Hello everyone and welcome to my little corner of the crafting world!  I hope your weekend is going well and you are making a huge dent in your Christmas preparations!  I could get a lot more done if I would stay off this computer and stay in my craft corner!  Between blog hopping, Facebook and Pinterest, I spend way too much time on this computer.

Speaking of Pinterest....are you as addicted as I am?  I could (and have) spent hours just scrolling down the pages, oohing and aahing over all the fabulous creations!  It's a wonderful, fantasy land for crafters!  On one of my recent visits, I came across an ornament that had been made using strips cut from an old book and adhered to a Christmas ball.  I loved the look of this ornament and the image really stuck with me.  A couple of days ago, I decided to give it a try, with my own twist and this is what I came up with...

So, let me tell you how I put this fun ornament together.  I started with one of those semi-flat, plastic ornaments that you can find at Michal's or Hobby Lobby.  I wanted a glass ornament, but they were sold out.  I wasn't sure how the plastic version would do, but it turned out fine.  Here's the ornament I worked with....

Now comes the fun part!
*  Using 12 X 12, lightweight, white cardstock, I cut half inch strips.
* Using the Pink By Design stamp sets Christmas Wishes and Winter Fun, I added 2 sentiments to my stamp block.  I inked them up using Distressed Ink in Barn Door Red and stamped the entire length of my 1/2 X12 inch strip of cardstock.
* After stamping the sentiments, I sniped them apart and inked up the edges....

* Now comes the messy part!  Using Mod Podge (matte finish) and a foam paint brush, I started adhering the strips to my ornament. I don't have photos of this step for you because my hands were very full and very messy at the time!
* My best advice is to just go slowly.  Think about your placement as you go and after adhering a few pieces, give them a chance to dry a bit before adding more strips.
* After the ornament was completely dry, I covered one side with a thin layer of Mod Podge and sprinkled it with some coarse glitter in Crystal.  I let that side dry, then repeated the process on the other side.
* Once everything was dry, I added a green tulle bow and my ornament was ready to hang on our Christmas tree....

Now...I have to get off this computer and go wrap gifts, finish up Christmas cards, clean the house, do some laundry...oh what the heck...I think I'll go see what's going on at Pinterest.  A few minutes won't hurt....see ya later!

* Just added this to the "Link Up Party" going on at You Had Me At Craft *
I hope you will drop by and see all the amazing Christmas projects!

Until next time,


  1. lol...what?! you couldn't take pictures while covered head to toe in mod podge? I'm sure the grandkids would have loved to see that one. I was just inky fingered due to my inability to sleep, but you got me beat. I love how this came out. I am seeing that you could do various colors of ink (if you are super patient or nuts, which I think we learn to be if we stick with this crafting business for any length of time) and even a few names printed out on cardstock to repeat into the pattern. I am loving this idea. It's got my brain in overdrive. Not good at 3:45 am. Fabulous, Tanya. Can tell this took a while, but so worth the effort. Love it! Now off the computer for me and back to bed.

  2. I love Pinterest, but I don't like that it wants to be linked to my facebook account, so I am not a member :-(

    Your ornament is very pretty. Thanks for sharing.

    I am 95% done with Christmas shopping. Wahhooo, next year, I am starting in July, it gets here so fast - I'd like to be more prepared before December.

  3. This is fantasticly wonderful!!! Love it!! Have never visited Pinterest and don't think I will. I don't have time for another addition! :)

  4. Wonderful idea! I am sure it looks gorgeous hanging from your tree. Super cute and sparkly!
    Sherrie K

  5. absolute AWESOME!!! never occurred to create like this!! love it!!

  6. Just beautiful !!! Yep, I just got hooked on Pinterest and I can't stop !! Thanks for sharing

  7. Love this! It looks like inking the edges could have been a little messy, too (at least for me!) I love the simplicity and yet I know it took you a while to get this done! TFS!!!!!

  8. That's a really pretty decoration. x

  9. Wow! What an amazing ornament! How fabulous that you can choose the sentiments you like for it. And the touch of glitter is fantastic!
    (Teehee - I started my comment about half an hour ago but got sidetracked at Pinterest!!)

  10. This is SO VERY pretty!! What a fabulous idea! I've never seen the plastic ornaments like that...will have to put this on my list for next year!! Love the sparkly look the glitter adds! Thanks for playing along with us this week @ Frosted Designs!! :)

  11. Very cute... I've got a plastic ball ornament that when we decorated this year whatever was on the outside fell off, so it's now just sitting on my table waiting for inspiration... I think you may have just given me some!!! Thanks for joining us at Frosted Designs this week!!

  12. This is adorable Tanya. I too pinned the ornament on Pinterest. I love your take as it is brighter. Great idea! I am keeping this idea for next year when I make ornaments for my church group ladies. Thanks

  13. Oh this is really cute... What a great idea!!! Your blog is very inspiring... You know, I must be doing this blogging all wrong, I barely get views on mine. Well congrats on such a lovely blog :):):)
