Saturday, June 16, 2012

Sweet Tweets!

Hi everybody and welcome!
I hope you are having a nice relaxing weekend and have a chance to do something you really enjoy.  That's exactly what I've been doing.  It's after 6:00 in the afternoon here and I'm still in my jammies, Frappuccino and M & M's at my side, enjoying some new crafting toys! What a wonderful way to spend a hot summer Saturday!

I don't know about you, but sometimes I have a tough time challenging myself to try a new technique or method.  I tend to get stuck doing the same, safe things.  So, I'm a little late to the dance (nothing new there), but I finally pulled out my Copics and the new stamp set I just got from "Peachy Keen" and made myself sit down and give it a try.  I was really intimidated to try importing the SVG images from "Peachy Keen" to my Cameo...but once I tried it...nothing to it!  One new self-challenge conquered!  Yay me!  My next self-challenge - use those expensive Copic Markers that have been sitting on my shelf gathering dust!

So, I thought the best way to go about it was to join the Peachy Keen Challenge. This week they have a sketch challenge going on and  I thought this would give me a good starting point. gentle...I have a very loooong way to go before I am comfortable with my Copic results.  Because I am so proud of myself for trying something outside of my comfort zone and because I know my crafty friends are very, very kind....I'm gonna post my card...ok...any minute really....I goes....

...there...I did it!

The sketch is really great, lots of fun and lots of layers.  I also love the bright papers I used. This stamp set is from the June stamp set and I love the adorable images and sentiments.  I still cringe a bit when I look closely at my coloring, but I'm hoping that I will improve with practice!

Here's a list of supplies I used:

*Paper - Red cardstock - Bazzill
*Printed paper - "Pretty Party" stack from Crate Paper
*Mat - Spellbinders - "Lacy Ovals"
*Ink - Memento "Black Tuxedo" and Ranger "Vintage Photo"
*Gems - Close to my Heart
*Image and Sentiment - Peachy Keen stamp set June 2012

Thanks for stopping by and letting me share my self-imposed challenge with you!  I think this is something I need to try more often.  Think you can stand it?  I guess if I see my "Followers" numbers dropping, I'll have my!  Thanks for visiting and kind!

Until next time,


  1. I think this turned out wonderfully. Love that little bird! Lee-Ann :)

  2. I think you did an excellent job colouring. I have this stamp set too. Thanks for the inspiration.

  3. Such a pretty card! I pulled out my Copics last night as well, to play with the SOTM. Your coloring is fabulous!

  4. Super cute!!! So glad you are branching your with your supplies! Well done!

  5. Wow, sounds like your having a wonderful day-I have been in my pj's all day to but not because I wanted to-I caught some kind of flu bug. Yuk! Feeling a little better this evening, thank goodness!
    Your card turned out just adorable. Love the layering and the sweet image. I need to get my cameo out and use it more. Have a great evening:)
    Sherrie K

  6. So pretty! The bird is so cute and I love how it stands above the card.

  7. Well I think you did an awesome job coloring!!! That darling little bird on its birdbath is as cute as it can be!! I love the colors and I just love the whole layout of your card!! Now go for the next one! This one turned out fabulously!!!! :)

  8. Such a fun and happy card! I think your coloring is just fine! Great work!

  9. Aww this is sooo cute! Saw it on Ginger Snap Scraps and had to have a looksie! New follower, too!

  10. I think it's colored beautifully. Cute little birdie. The colors you chose are so bright and cheerful. Awesome job. Go, Tanya!

  11. I think you did great! I just ordered my first set... I understand I'm super nervous about coloring with them.

  12. Super cute card!! I LOVE your interpretation of the sketch!! Awesome Job!!
    Thanks for Playing with us @ PKS!!
    TFS!! Take Care!!
    Jennie @

  13. So cute, that background paper is so, so pretty!

  14. This is So "Tweet!" I love all the layers and that background paper is perfection! Love it!

  15. very sweet card, love the bg dp, such a pretty card :)

  16. Gorgeous card Tanya,I think you did a great job with your colouring.
    Jayne x

  17. This turned out BEAUTIFUL! Don't you love this new stamp set? You did an amazing job with them. AMAZING! Hugs- Glora

  18. Tanya,
    Your card is so cute!! You did a great job with the coloring.

  19. Oh - this is just ADORABLE!!! LOVE it! So glad you joined us this week at Peachy Keen!

  20. Very cute!!! I love that little bird...too cute!

    Yay for you for doing something new! Doesn't it feel great???

  21. This is so fabulous!! You did such a wonderful job with trying something new!! The papers are beautiful, the image is so colored it perfectly :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  22. So darling. I love the sweet little bird.

    Lesley @ Trendy Twine
