Good morning everyone and happy November to you!
I love the month of November - fall seems to be finally arriving in the deep south, and there is still time to enjoy it before the panic of preparing for Christmas sets in! And, while I am thankful and grateful for my blessings always - there is just something about the month of November that makes me even more so. So, today's post seems very appropriate because I am very thankful for all the wonderfully talented, inspiring, generous crafters I have met in bloggy land. A few of these special ladies have seen fit to pass on a sweet blog award to me and I want to share that award today....

Here are the rules:
1) Include award logo in blog post and thank the blogger who gave it to you & include a link back.
2) Answer 10 questions about yourself that you have made up yourself.
3) Nominate 10-12 bloggers for the award and contact them at their blog site to inform them.
Like I said, this award was passed onto me by some very special, bloggy friends:
A special thank you to each of my talented friends!
Ok, so onto the questions!
1. How long have you been married? I married my very best friend, soul mate and biggest fan 32 years ago.
2. How many children do you have? - We have two children - Christopher is 31 years old and Matthew is about to turn kids are old!
3. How many grandchildren do you have? Oh...thanks for asking! We have been blessed with 3 amazing, darling, beautiful grandchildren! Emma is almost 8 years old, Blake is 3 years old and Brayden is 14 months old. Did I mention that they are beautiful?
4. Any pets? - One terribly spoiled Yorkie named Lola (she's about to celebrate her 1st birthday)!
5. What is your favorite (at the moment) line of paper? October Afternoon! ♥
6. What technique would you like to master? - Blending and shading with my Copics
7. What music do you listen to while crafting? - Ok, I am a child of the 70's - The Eagles, Eric Clapton, Bee Gees (yes the Bee Gees), Simon and Garfunkel, all of those oldies!
8. What is your favorite snack while crafting? Coffee and Chocolate - no question!
9. Do you craft more in the morning or at night? - I am definitely a night owl...always have been and I guess I always will be. I get my second wind around 10:00 and night and I'm good to go for 2 or 3 more hours.
10. What's your idea of the perfect day? - Let's see...
Wake up around 10 or 11 in the morning
Have someone bring me breakfast in bed (lots of coffee, a rose in a vase would be nice also)
Take a leisurely shower and have someone do my hair and make up
Go to a late lunch with my girlfriends
Receive hugs and kisses from all my children and grandchildren
Come home, take a nap and refresh myself before dining out with my hubby
After dinner enjoy some crafty time with my endless supply of brand new crafting toys
Have a nice long soak in a bubble bath with a dish of chocolates and a new book
Get ready for bed and sweet dreams of doing it all again the next day.
(Ok, so I obliviously live in a fantasy world...but a girl can dream...right?)
Ok, this post suddenly became a lot longer than I had intended!
I am going to wrap this up now by passing this award on to all of my sweet, crafty friends out there in blog land! I don't know anyone who does not deserve this one, so if you are a visitor to my blog - please feel free to post this one on your blog!
Thanks for stopping by today and I'll be seeing you soon with another project!
Until next time,