Saturday, January 22, 2011

Cards for Charlie

Good Morning!
I would like to say Thank You to everyone who stopped by and visited here and at the FCCB to read my very first posting for Fantabulous Friday!  I am still very excited about my new position and look forward to next week's post.  I hope you will join me again next Friday!

On to a more serious topic.  Some of you have probably already read the postings about a little boy named Charlie who has a serious medical condition.  If not, here's the story from Angela at

Cards for Charlie

Hi Craft Friends,

I was wondering if any of you would be interested in sending cards to 4 year old Charlie. 

He is battling a rare skin condition called epidermolysis bullosa commonly known as EB, which causes his skin to blister.

Here is a link to his CaringBridge page.  I hope that you will take some time out of your day to read his story.  It's very touching and he is a fighter and will touch your heart. 

To send cards please send it to:

Ronald McDonald House
Attn:  Knuth Family
621 Oak Street SE
Minneapolis, MN  55414

If you can't send a card to Charlie, then would you just take a little time out of your day to pray for him & his family.  They need all the support they can get right now. 
If you need anymore information please contact me!  Thank you all so much! 

If you can, please take a few minutes and make a little card to send to Charlie and his family.  I just know it would brighten their day!

Here is my card for Charlie

I have had the Boys Will Be Boys cartridge for some time now and have never used it.  Making a card for Charlie seemed like the perfect time to get this cartidge out of it's box!

I cut the robot at 4 1/2 inches, ran it through my Cuttlebug using the Diamond Plate folder, added goggle eyes and there you go!  Off to get this one in the mail.  Thanks for popping in and I hope you have a wonderful weekend!



  1. This is SOOOOOOO cute! I'm sure Charlie will love it! I live in WI and have been following his story on the news. We are definately praying for him and his family. I am also going to post this on my blog once I make a card for him. I'm so glad I found this information and address. I am also your latest follower. Thanks!

  2. I LOVE it! I'm sure Charlie will love it too!


  3. Ohhhh. your card for Charlie came out soooo cute...I'm sure he's gonna love it! :o)


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