Thursday, March 31, 2011

Happy Birthday Blake!

No cards, no layouts, no mini albums for you today.
Just a great big
Happy Birthday Blake!
to my sweet, adorable little grandson who turned 2 years old today!

Look at that face!

Blake and his Daddy (my son)

Blake and his Uncle Matt Matt (my other son) enjoying
the icing from the cake!

The Birthday Boy and Big Sister Emma

We had a great time and Blake had a wonderful birthday!


  1. Happy Birthday wishes to Blake! uhmmmm where is the picture of the cake? lol You did mention cake....yum!

  2. Happy Birthday Blake!! Yeah, where is the cake? Chocolate, I hope!! With ice cream....
    Looks like a fun family celebration...I'm hoping you'll create a lovely layout for the occasion...I can't wait to see it! :-)

    ~Sharon C.

  3. What a cutie. I am a new follower. Momo sent me. Visit my blog for a chance to win some blog candy.

  4. Can you believe that I didn't even get a picture of the cake? There were thunderstorms brewing over our heads and we ate cake and opened gifts in a big hurry! But let me tell you...he enjoyed it!

  5. You have a beautiful family. I hope you guys enjoyed your time together and hope Blake had a wonderful birthday!!!

  6. What a Little CUTIE! Adorable grandchildren and handsome sons! Great Family Tanya! :o)


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