Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Cards For Trin

Hello everyone and welcome to Nonna's Craft Corner.
I don't have a project to share with you today, but I did want to give you an update on Trinitie.  Her parents chose the treatment plan available at the Children's Hospital a few hours away from home.  She will be there for about 6 weeks before there is a break in her treatments.  In the meantime, she and her family are staying at the Ronald McDonald House there with her Dad going back and forth to work.  Treatments are going well at this time and prayers are being answered.  You may read more about Trinitie on her facebook page Get Well Trin and her new web page Trinitie's Journery.

I also would like to thank all of my generous crafting friends who have already sent a card for Trinitie.  I bought this cute little metal container at Hobby Lobby, used some vinyl for her name and tied on some pretty ribbon on the handles.  I added 40 beautiful, creative, sweet cards that have arrived in my mailbox from all over the world....

If all goes well, I will be presenting this to Trinitie's grandmother Wednesday night at church.  If you are still working on a card for Trin or if you would like to make a card for Trin, don't worry!  She will be having treatments for several more weeks and I would love to have more cards to deliver to her over that time.  If you would like an address, please email me using the "Contact Corner" tab at the top of my blog.  Again, a huge, heart felt thank you to everyone who has taken the time to help put a smile on this sweet child's face!

Until next time,

1 comment:

  1. This is such a kind and thoughtful thing and looks great


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