Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Scrapbook Layout For Week 1

Hello and welcome to Nonna's Craft Corner!
You know, I love participating in card and scrapping challenges.  Challenges are really great to get me thinking and get me motivated to create a project on a certain theme and before a deadline.
And, while I'm sure I will continue to play along with challenges when time permits, I think it may be time for a personal challenge of my own.
I am so very far behind on scrapbooks of my family that it's just sad. I have pictures of my two grown sons going back years that I haven't scraped.  My first grandchild is 6 1/2 and I'm a good year or so behind on her pictures.  My grandson is 2 and I'm working on pictures of him at about 4 months old.  And....we have a new grandbaby due in September!  Not to mention all the old pictures I have of me and my family while I was growing up!

All that to say...I am going to set a challenge for myself of at least one scrapbook layout a week.
This will give me plenty of time to work on my DT projects, special occasion cards and other projects.
I need you to help me and hold me accountable...if you don't see a layout from me on a weekly basis...ask me WHERE IS YOUR LAYOUT FOR THIS WEEK? ok..ok...you don't have to yell.

So...now it's out there...in blog land...no taking it back...and here's my scrapbook layout for the week....

  This layout really came together pretty quickly.  I let the cute paper do a lot of the work!
The paper is DCWV Baby Boy Stack.

The cute little turtle is from Create A Critter and is cut at 2 inches.
Sentiment is from Hampton Art.
I used Nestabilities Label 6 for the mats.

For this page, I used American Alphabet for the Family cut (1.5 inches).
The snail is from Create A Critter and is cut at 1.75 inches.
Edges of all cuts were inked up with Rangers Ink and I used a bronze colored gel pen to add a few doodles here and there. I also added a few gems on the snail, sentiment label and for the i in Family.

Ok...so week 1 of my own personal challenge is finished!  I hope you enjoyed taking a peek.
I plan on being back next week with another layout (cause I don't like being yelled at)!
Have a good one and I'll see you soon!
Until next time,


  1. I know what you mean! I really need to do this too! I do love playing the challenges but my poor scrapbooks feel neglected! I love your adorable LO! That little turtle from CAC is one of my favs! Good luck with your personal challenge!

  2. Sweet family!!! I love the paper you used. The turtle you made is soooo adorable!!! Good luck with your challenge. I gave up on layouts a few years ago. I want to do some soon though.

  3. ...oh and congrats on the new grandbaby coming!!!! :-)

  4. Very cute layout. I love the idea of your once a week layout challenge. I think I might have to try it. If all fails I could just scrap lift your layouts a week behind your posts. LOL

    I truly understand being soo behind in the layouts. Off to follow your blog and have some fun checking out all your crafts. Hugs and smiles.

  5. Hi Tanya, these are beautiful pages to add to your scrapbooks! The papers are wonderful...cute and fun and perfect for a baby boy! GREAT photos too. I won't yell at you, but I do hope to see a layout (or two!) a week...you know how much I LOVE them! TFS and have a great weekend!

    ~Sharon C.

  6. Congrats on the newest edition coming soon and I know exactly what you're talkin about! Of course I'm not as bold as you to challenge myself... I'll get to it when I get to it! LOL But I'll be happy to YELL at you if I don't see at least 1 scrapbook page a week! Tehehhe That's the least I can do for my Blogging buddy! :o) Keep up the crafty goodness! :o)


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